Dmitry S. Kulyabov
Dmitry S. Kulyabov
Leonid Antonovich Sevastianov
Structural Approach to the Deep Learning Method
Constrained Hamiltonian approach to the Maxwell theory
Pseudo-random number generator based on neural network
Algorithm for Lens Calculations in the Geometrized Maxwell Theory
Functional Integral Approach to the Solution of a System of Stochastic Differential Equations
The Automation of Stochastization Algorithm with Use of SymPy Computer Algebra Library
Regularized Computation of Oscillatory Integrals with Stationary Points
The Methodology of Studying of Active Traffic Management Module Self-oscillation Regime
Two Formalisms of Stochastization of One-Step Models
Implementation Difficulties Analysis of Stochastic Numerical Runge-Kutta Methods
Approaches to Stochastic Modeling of Wind Turbines
The Construction of the SDE for Modeling Wind Speed for Wind Power Plants
Support for Parallel Computing in Julia Language
A Geometric Approach to the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalism of Electrodynamics
Field Calculation for the Horn Waveguide Transition in the Single-Mode Approximation of the Cross-Sections Method
Geometrization of Maxwell's Equations in the Construction of Optical Devices
Guided Modes of a Planar Gradient Waveguide
Maxwell's Equations Instantaneous Hamiltonian
Modelica-based TCP simulation
Spinor Representation of Maxwell's Equations
Diagram Representation for the Operator Approach of One-Step Processes Stochastization
Stable Algorithm of Integrating Rapidly Oscillating Functions
Waveguide Modes of a Planar Gradient Optical Waveguide
Operating System Plan9 as the Implementation of the GRID Ideology
Hybrid Simulation Of Active Traffic Management
Stochastization Of One-Step Processes In The Occupations Number Representation
Diagram Representation for the Stochastization of Single-Step Processes
Numerical and Analytical Modeling of Guided Modes of a Planar Gradient Waveguide
The Stochastic Processes Generation in OpenModelica
Combinatorial and Operator Approaches to RED Modeling
A Naive Geometrization of Maxwell's Equations
Symbolic Computation and p-adic Arithmetic
The Method of Stochastization of One-Step Processes
Application of stochastic differencial equations to model population systems
Getting the stochastic differential equations for multidimensional systems of birth-death
The System of Hamilton Equations for Normal Waves of the Electromagnetic Field in a Stratified Anisotropic Medium
An Application of Computer Algebra System Cadabra to Scientific Problems of Physics
Computer Realization of Regularized Method for a Wavefront Set Recovering on the Base of Hartmann Test with the Help of Analytical Calculations in Axiom CAS
Symbolic-numerical algorithm for constructing matrices stabilizing functional in the problem of restoring the surface
An application of computer algebra system CADABRA to quantum field and quantum mechanics problems
Application of Computer Algebra System for stable diagnostic of optical surfaces using Zernike polynomials