Migrating from livejournal to hexo
2 min read
Migrating from livejournal to hexo
Migrating from livejornal posed some problems.
I want to note that I did not transfer the comments.
livejournal-export seemed to me the most suitable. It translates immediately to markdown. However, tags are not imported. It uses browser session parameters for identification.
As the second option I considered ljdump. It downloads the weblog in html. For identification uses login and password.
Then I had to convert to markdown. To do this, I wrote the script xml2md.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
from lxml import etree
import html2text
from datetime import datetime
from transliterate import translit, get_available_language_codes
outdir = 'markdown'
os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
infile = sys.argv[1]
tree = etree.parse(infile)
post = tree.getroot()
postTitle = ''
postTags = ''
for elem in post.getchildren():
if not elem.text:
text = "None"
text = elem.text
# print(elem.tag + " => " + text)
# book_dict[elem.tag] = text
if elem.tag == 'subject':
postTitle = text
if elem.tag == 'eventtime':
postDate = text
if elem.tag == 'event':
postContent = text
if elem.tag == 'props':
for propsElem in elem.getchildren():
if not elem.text:
text = "None"
text = propsElem.text
# print(propsElem.tag + " => " + text)
if propsElem.tag == 'taglist':
postTags = text
postHeader = 'layout: post\n'+'title: '+postTitle+'\n'+'date: '+str(postDate)
postHeader = postHeader+'\ncategories: blog\nlang: ru'
postHeader = postHeader+'\ntags: ['+postTags+']'
postHeader = postHeader+'\n'+'---'
h = html2text.HTML2Text()
h.ignore_links = False
h.body_width = 0
h.unicode_snob = True
postContent = h.handle(postContent)
fullPost = postHeader+'\n\n\n'+postContent
date = datetime.strptime(postDate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
outFile = '{0.year}-{0.month:02d}-{0.day:02d}'.format(date)
if postTitle != '':
translitTitle = translit(postTitle, 'ru', reversed=True)
translitTitle = translitTitle.replace(" ","_")
translitTitle = translitTitle.replace(":","")
translitTitle = translitTitle.replace("'","")
translitTitle = translitTitle.replace("«","")
translitTitle = translitTitle.replace("»","")
translitTitle = translitTitle.replace(";","")
translitTitle = '{0.hour:02d}-{0.minute:02d}-{0.second:02d}'.format(date)
outFile = outFile+'-'+translitTitle
f = open(outdir+'/'+str(outFile)+'.md', 'w')
Conversion can be performed using the command:
./xml2md <file>
This creates the markdown directory and the conversion result is placed in it.