BibTeX entry types

2023-07-11 · 1 min read

BibTeX entry types.

Table of Contents

1 General information

  • A BibTeX entry start with the @ sign followed by the entry type name.
  • Everything that belongs to the entry is enclosed in curly brackets.
    % Basic structure of a BibTeX entry
    @book{ ... }

2 Entry types

  • In its current version BibTeX features 14 entry types.
  • Here is a complete list of the BibTeX entry types:
    • article: any article published in a periodical like a journal article or magazine article;
    • book: a book;
    • booklet: like a book but without a designated publisher;
    • conference: a conference paper;
    • inbook: a section or chapter in a book;
    • incollection: an article in a collection;
    • inproceedings: a conference paper (same as the conference entry type);
    • manual: a technical manual;
    • masterthesis: a Masters thesis;
    • misc: used if nothing else fits;
    • phdthesis: a PhD thesis;
    • proceedings: the whole conference proceedings;
    • techreport: a technical report, government report or white paper;
    • unpublished: a work that has not yet been officially published.
Dmitry S. Kulyabov
Professor of the Department of Probability Theory and Cybersecurity
My research interests include physics, Unix administration, and networking.