Emacs. Проверка правописания. ispell

2022-08-01 · 1 мин. для прочтения

Проверка правописания в Emacs. Ispell.


1 Общая информация

2 Бекэнд

2.1 aspell

2.2 hunspell

  • Проверка установленных словарей:
    hunspell -D
  • Сконфигурируем словари:
    with-eval-after-load "ispell"
      ;; Configure `LANG`, otherwise ispell.el cannot find a 'default
      ;; dictionary' even though multiple dictionaries will be configured
      ;; in next line.
      (setenv "LANG" "ru_RU.UTF-8")
      (setq ispell-program-name "hunspell")
      ;; Configure English + Russian.
      (setq ispell-dictionary "en_US,ru_RU")
      ;; ispell-set-spellchecker-params has to be called
      ;; before ispell-hunspell-add-multi-dic will work
      (ispell-hunspell-add-multi-dic "en_US,ru_RU")
      ;; For saving words to the personal dictionary, don't infer it from
      ;; the locale, otherwise it would save to ~/.hunspell_de_DE.
      (setq ispell-personal-dictionary "~/.local/hunspell_personal"))
    ;; The personal dictionary file has to exist, otherwise hunspell will
    ;; silently not use it.
    (unless (file-exists-p ispell-personal-dictionary)
      (write-region "" nil ispell-personal-dictionary nil 0))
Дмитрий Сергеевич Кулябов
Профессор кафедры теории вероятностей и кибербезопасности
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