Менеджер паролей pass. Tessen
2 мин. для прочтения
Менеджер паролей pass. Tessen.
1 Общая информация
- Репозиторий: https://github.com/ayushnix/tessen
- Работает в Wayland.
2 Конфигурация
# vim:ft=sh
# shellcheck disable=SC2148,SC2034
# configuration file for tessen
# place this file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tessen/config
# the default pass program to use - pass or gopass
# the default dmenu backend program to use - rofi, fuzzel, bemenu, rofi, or dmenu
# leave it commented if you want the default behavior - the choice to either
# autotype or copy should be presented in the menu
# action="autotype"
# config files for dmenu_backends should be specified AFTER specifying the
# dmenu_backend in this config file
# alternatively, use the command line arguments to specify the dmenu backend
# while running tessen
# fuzzel_config_file=""
# tofi_config_file=""
# rofi_config_file="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rofi/test.rasi"
# wofi_config_file=""
# wofi_style_file=""
# wofi_color_file=""
# yofi_config_file=""
# the name of the key which will be used to decide the username
# this can also be a simple regex such as (user|login)
# userkey="(user|login)"
# the name of the key which will be used to decide the url
# this can also be a simple regex such as (url|website)
# urlkey="(url|website)"
# the name of the key which will be used to implement a custom autotype operation
# this can also be a simple regex as such as (auto|type)
# autotype_key="(autotype|type)"
# the delay (in milliseconds) introduced between successive autotype operations
# leave it commented to use the default value of 100ms
# delay=""
# the default web browser to open urls
# use this only if xdg-open is either not installed on your system or you don't
# want to use it
# if this key is set, xdg-open will not be used even if it's installed
# web_browser=""
# whether to send notifications about copied data via notify-send
# notify="true"
Распечатка 1: